Home > Trips > Marine Conservation - Andaman Islands

Where: Andamans, India
When: April 15 to April 21, 2019
How long: 7 days
How much: Rs 50,000 (+Rs 25,000 for PADI Open Water Diver certification)

What to expect:

This programme, for which DoTheDifferent partners with Reefwatch, gives young adult participants in the 14 to 19 years age group a chance to learn bio-geographical systems and species adaptions in this region, collect vital coral bleaching data while snorkeling through the beautiful reefs and understand how the ocean works and the impact of dumping waste and plastic. Along with marine conservation, participants also get a chance to interact with local community and work with a local school.

Read more: https://www.dothedifferent.com/trip-detail/marine-conservation-andaman-islands.aspx

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