This NGO located in Kushinagar, known as the place where the Buddha attained nirvana, gives tourists an immersive experience of living in a rural Indian community. United For Hope has created a Smart Village Strategy that is based on three pillars—social enterprise, education, and community service. Social tourism plays an important means in fostering enterprise and creating new sources of income and employment for the local communities. It also gives tourists an avenue to do something meaningful and see the impact of their work first hand.
\nThe United For Hope guesthouse located in the village of Tirmahasun, about 30 minutes from Kushinagar, offers short stay guests simple but comfortable accommodation along with a chance to experience village life, learn about local practices, discover crafts and enjoy home-cooked meals. Longer stay guests can participate in any of the projects run by the NGO and work on the ground with the team. You could also opt for the village day trip to have tea, snacks and conversation with the women of the village, ride on an ox cart, take part in farming activities and watch local artisans creating beautiful craftswork.
\nPrice: Rs 2,200 per day per room; Rs 2,000 per person for the village day trip, which includes transport to and from Kushinagar, a guide, all activities, lunch and snacks.
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Slow Travel
The tourism projects are run by NGO United For Hope, which works directly with local communities in the region. Through the tourism initiatives, it ensures the creation of additional income and employment sources for the local community. Its other projects are in areas like solar energy, clean drinking water, menstrual hygiene, after-school classes for school children, vocational training, adult education and community health.